Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Soft and Gentle Sarah Grace...

Some say she is shy...
I say she is soft & gentle.
This little wonder LOVES
to dress up
in Mummy's things...

Be that a beautiful scarf or
a practical down vest...

& Mummy's bright red hat is perfect
for dress up too!

Her own hat is fun to put on
& she even gets it on straight
once in a while!

Ahhhhh... at 16 1/2 months old,
Sarah is SO much fun!
She plays dress-up
and give hugs.
She shares toys
and laughs easily.

& when Sarah isn't summitting something REALLY tall, she is typing on the computer when I turn my back to pour a morning coffee!!


(translation: Love Sarah Grace)


Matt, Kara, Hunter and Cavan said...

What a sweetie!!

So how did she manage to scale that dresser??

Heather, aka: Mum said...

No summit too high for Sarah! All she had to do was climb Hummingbird Ridge (the arm of the big chair & up onto the back) then it was a short traverse to the West before summitting Dough Box Peek!

Kluane Park Wardens already have a job lined up for her on their Mountaineering Team!!

Maureen said...

Great photos of Sarah, Heather! love the backlighting on the ones with the hat, she does look so gentle and sweet. I can't wait to see Sarah and Adelaide later this month.

Heather, aka: Mum said...

Just 18 more sleeps till we shed our winter boots for rain boots! We are getting SO excited...& to think...a date with my husband while you Aunts smoother the girls with hugs & kisses! Now THAT is something I'm looking forward to ;)