Thursday, March 25, 2010

More Critters...

Summer Ermine in Martin's wood pile
I thought I heard a squealing somewhere
over near the band saw
so I went over to get a closer look...
Much to my surprise & delight...
I was greeted by our little Ermine, still in her winter white!
it was more like she was insisting that Wellington
& I were trespassing on her property
and that she was not in the least bit impressed!

We use this blade to cut dog meat & a lot of meat dust is
left inside the machine,
the result is,
Stress free Dining for our little friend!
I wonder how long we will have her here to enjoy?
After a few opportunistic photos,
I opened the door of the saw, providing her a quick escape.

More of our resident Eagle

It's mighty awesome when you can get close enough
to see him blink!
In some photos, his eyes are as clear as can be...
In others they are cloudy because his eyelid has closed!
I love zoom!

Feet aren't the only things that leave tracks
in the snow!
As you can see,
it sure isn't hard to get close to this bird!

1 comment:

Judy said...

Your pics are awesome Heather! Love looking at the them! And the ones of the girls . . . .well. . . . priceless!!! Love Jude