Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Turning 46 with my family was wonderful...

the girls made a big deal out of decorating the cabin with special treasures, like cookie cutters hanging from the ceiling and baking utencils hanging from hangers ;)

Adelaide & Sarah were very proud of thier ability to surprise me with a special dinner and a beautifully set table !!

And I was very proud of them for simply being their typically beautiful and thoughtful selves...

I wonder what my girls were wishing for as they helped me blow out the candles on my birthday cake?? What ever the wishes were, I hope they come true!!

After all was said & done...No birthday trinket in the world could out shine or be more precious than my girls and the hugs they gave me that night were sweeter than any cake ever made...

For these reasons alone, turning 46 was a might special day in my books!!


Matt, Kara, Hunter and Cavan said...

Awww! Happy Birthday! And are you sure you are 46?? I think you could pass for 37 any day.


Anonymous said...

Pam says...belated B'day.
Pics are so sweet and the last one of the twiddle bugs and you is a real keeper. Got ot enlarge that for certain.
Holly Court

Heather, aka: Mum said...

;) You're too sweet Kara! LOL

Thanks Pam!!! :) It's taken me long enough to get back at this, hasn't it?? I DO love that photo of the three of us too...Currently it is my desk top image on my computer...One of these days I need to print a book of my favourite momments photos!!