Sunday, May 16, 2010

I'm hangin' out with my sister

Sometimes I wonder what is
going on beween those two...

and at other times there's no question...



And then there are times
that the
between the girls is
loud and clear...
"I love you Sis"
Note: Awesome outfits Grandee & Grandad!


Aunt 'Reen said...

Love the hair! So cute. Wish I was on the next plane north. Love

Anonymous said...

Hi my friend,
Your pictures are so cute...
The girls are beautifull, and they have really nice hair! Good job Heather, you don't need me anymore now...
I hope all are fine for your family and the dogs.
I miss you a lot
LOVE Angie

Heather, aka: Mum said...

Wish you were on the next plane too! The girls love you so much (and Sean & I could use another date LOL)
Angie...The girls will ALWAYS need you here to make them look pretty! I will NEVER be able to do as good a job as YOU! ;) Remember, I am the bush Mum & you are the cool fashion model from France!!!!!!!