Sunday, November 16, 2008

For Grandee!!

Hi Grandee!
Remember the moon I told you about the other day? While here it is!! You'll have to click on the photo to blow it up full size...It was SO beautiful in the early afternoon sky!!

This was taken on the Haines Rd coming back from Martin's cabin yesterday! What a gorgous day!!
But than again...every day in the Yukon is a gorgous day, right?

This would be Adelaide in her puppy hat & mitts from Auntie Laura!!

And Sarah in hers!
I must have cute litter of puppies for Grandkids Grandee!!!

So...THAT was yesterday...
The highlight of today was this...
...bundling the girls up in their new snowsuits for the first time!!
I must say...Dressing two for the snow is a TON of work!

It was a bit cold out all day so I was extra careful to make sure they were warm ...In fact, I was SO careful to make sure they were well bundled that...
I forgot to take care of myself! Once outside, I realized that I hadn't put my own snow pants on. It was only -17 (in the sun at high-noon) out but geewiz...
my legs got COLD, FAST !!
Jeans just don't cut it on a Yukon Winter Day!!!!!

The little toboggan wasn't really working out very well. Body parts were falling out & dragging in the snow & just a general awkwardness it was back to the Chariot!
I just LOVE that thing!!
I can't wait to get the ski-kit for it, so that we can get out in the snow more easily! There is NO way I can push this rig in the snow with wheels!!!!!
Skis or not, the girls had a great time in their new snowsuits...they were "as snug as bugs..." as you can see :)

I must confess...the boots got left behind today! It was such a work out, just getting the sweaters, pants, coats, hats & mitts on, that we were close to exhausted just getting they wore their woolen & sheepskin booties instead & then had their feet smothered in blankets!
NEXT time, I'll get their snow boots on too!!

Grandee & Grandad,
thanks for the winter gear!!!!! Not only were the girls warm, but they looked like perfect little fashion plates, don't you think??


Matt, Kara, Hunter and Cavan said...

Hi! Send me an email and I will fill you in about funding for playgroup!!

kara underscore went at hotmail dot com

Hope that makes sense!!

Heather, aka: Mum said...

Done! Let me know if it comes through...
I'm FROZEN today ...the girls are sound asleep & sadly, I have to wake them up to go for a drive :( Time to pick up their playmate for the afternoon!!
Hope your day is cozy :)
(time to go stoke that fire...BRRR)