...I'm inside re-arranging the other "puppy pen"
So here is the "Before"...
...and the "after"
...and more "after"
...but just a second ago it was SPOTLESS! What happened??
THIS is my genius way of hiding the heater so that the two little Rug-Rats can't turn it on any more & burn their little paws!!
I like THIS brilliant idea I came up with too!! I covered the baby gate with a blanket so that Sarah can't CLIMB it any more!! HA HA...I win this battle :)
These next 4 shots are of Sarah...
She made like a cat & headed straight for the snuggle area!!"Hummmmm.....something NEW & heck, I'm taller when I stand on this thing!!"
"Time for the cuddle test!"
& then there is Adelaide!!
"My Turn!!"
"Yup...STILL cozy"
"...but can I do head stands on it?? I can !! I can !! "
All tuckered out!!
here is the final seal of approval...
two beaming faces!!
Hunter is addicted to fleece blankets!! He has to sleep with one every night. Funny- when we put him down with one he rolls around with it, chews on it, and makes loving sounds at it. What a riot.
Matt was looking at the blog with me, and we both agree those are the cutest girls we have ever seen!!!!
They are adorable!
That last shot is GREAT!!!!
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