Thursday, December 25, 2008

Here it is!

For those of you haven't see the news clip on Aptn, with Santa & the twins arriving into town by dogsled, here is the link! All you have to do is click archive for December 22, 2008 new clip ! The news report is about 30 minutes and we are at the end...but SOOO worth the wait ;-)
In the Mean time Christmas is rapidly coming to a close
(& to be honest....I'm glad for it!!)
The girls are nestled in their bed with the snuggly new quilt I made for them & they are so zonked out, I'll be surprised if we hear from them before 10:30 in the morning!!
(God PLEASE don't let them stir till 10:30 in the morning!!)
Hope everyone had a great day with loved ones like we did :) ...
Full report with pictures to boot...but not 'till I've got a goodnight's sleep under my belt!
Cheers to all & to all a goodnight
Merry Christmas !


Matt, Kara, Hunter and Cavan said...

Merry Christmas!

That clip was great. And of course being an emotional/crazy pregnant woman it made me cry!

ExploreNorth said...

The clip was tough to find but worth the search. A nice piece about Haines Junction as a good community to live in, too.

Heather, aka: Mum said...

Welcome back Murry :) It;s nice to see light hearted stuff in the news isn't it! I remember when I first moved to the North...I LOVED not having ment no more tragic stories flooding my every morning!

Now MUST be overly sensitive with this pregnancy to cry over THAT one! TOOOO FUNNNNNYYYYYYY