Monday, September 22, 2008

A bit of back-tracking

The humble dwelling is up for a feature in "Better Caves & Cabins" since my week with Maureen!! We spent time unpacking boxes, finding my counter tops & digging out the pantry!! & still, the "puppy dogs & dancing paws" were diaper changed & fed!! Not bad, don't you think??
Well...Maureen is back in Vancouver, Sean is off to work, the girls are sleeping soundly, Wellington is dreaming away on the couch & the Huskies are snug in their dog houses...the temperature outside is reading a crisp -6.5 The fire is crackling & life is cozy in my cabin :) Fall is really here!

I should be posting updated photos of the past few days but instead I thought I'd back track a bit...Summer was so awesome & you all missed it (with me off line & most of you in the hot & humid south)! Sean, the girls & I went hiking with friends & tourists through Kluane & the trails were beautiful...from the bees to the moth sex to the mountains to the wild flowers to the smiles...(yes, moth sex...see Stacie's blog for pics) & who could forget the bears!
Mid June Grizzly tracks on the St.Elias Trail - Kluane

Wild flowers over cultivated gardens in the North !!

A bear rub tree

A friendly visit :)

Picnic lunch at the end of a sunny trail...

& to think THIS was a WORK DAY!!
I still vote for a Northern Office over a Southern Office :) Heck Adelaide & Sarah even joined in on this one for their first official hike in the Park!!

There are a ton of things to post! Things about the Adelaide is bound for the sciences & Sarah for animal Jack is still one of the most beautiful huskies to ever be born & how my husband is a master hunter. I could post about my they are talented & interesting people...Stacie is building her own stunning cabin in the Yukon Wild & Laura is a Search & Rescue hero, Martin is going after the YukonQuest 300 & Marguerite is moving mountains with her smile & humor....Oh...and Little Isaac is waiting patiently to become a big brother ;) to a little one he'd like to call "Sing" ...all in good time Rosemary ;)

All good things to share & I stay tuned...

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