Well?? How is Sawyer?? Did he miss our little date last night? I can see it now....in the middle of the big season's opener the camera pans to the lead sexy guy, Sawyer. He pauses and says, "But where is Heather? How can we go on without her support?" In the background you can hear Lock gasping in disbelief..."You mean she's not watching? My God man, we can't go on!" All the while sounds, of Freckles & the rest of the crew weeping, can be heard off set... Darn weather.....It had better be warmer for NEXT weeks episode!! Oh, I sure hope someone found a spare tape to record it all for me!!
Now that I am over that...I was thinking of going to the cabin today but my pillow seems SO much more cozy this morning & the babies are sleeping :) Time for a nap of my own!! Maybe this afternoon when Sean gets home we can go to Madley's to do some shopping...Tomorrow is to be the last day they are open then NO MORE STORE FOR THE JUNCTION!! Oh well...we'll manage without Madley's no doubt!! In the mean time, maybe we can score some good deals today :)
Cheers family and friends,
I'm off to catch some warm ZZZZZ's
PS: As soon as I laid down, you guessed it, the babies BOTH woke up & started crying...so much for my nap!!!!!
Yeah, that's it! The show was cancelled when Sawyer saw you weren't watching... um, and it had nothing to do with the fact that I was missing a cable from the vcr and couldn't tape it...
Stacie: WHAT?? OMG what WILL I do?? Does Sawyer know about this?? :0
Heather. Not to nitpic BUT your new last name has a capital 'G' in the middle. Better get used to it as you will be fighting with teachers, racing officials and everyone else under the Yukon sun to get it right in the years to come!
Cheers Sister-in-law,
Hi Maureen...That is SO funny! Sean & I BOTH missed that & it took us a while to find the missing capital G !!
Hay Stacie...if you're reading this...note the G? Ya just can't get good help for free anymore ;)
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