Wednesday, January 9, 2008


Yesterday Papa Sean & I packed up the girls an made off to the big city!!! FREEDOM!!!
Well maybe not TOTAL freedom. We Did take the girls with us...can't just leave them in the dog yard ya know.... but I DID get outdoors...It's been too cold to take the Wee Ones out so I've been in doors for TOO long!!!!! Anyhow, it might be 100 miles to Whitehorse but would YOU have a hard time driving this knowing there are NO stop signs or traffic lights, the elk are likely to pay you a visit & you're are surrounded by gorgeous mountains the entire time??
Thank God the 401 is a thing of my past!!
Once we got to town, we were able to squeeze in a quick visit to my old school (Hidden Valley) to show off the girls (I LOVE showing them off!!!) & to see old friends!! Then it was off to lunch with Laura & Stacie. You should see those two with Adelaide & Sarah! Good thing there are TWO for each to snuggle!!! Then...down to the serious task of shopping...Sean managed to find critical parts necessary to finish up the water tank installation !!YAHOO!! I can't wait!!
And, I managed to spend our gift certificate (generously provided by a friend)
for "Please Mum" THAT was fun!!
As always, the girls travelled extremely well & their Dad & I were grateful for it! It makes for a long day no matter & throws off any schedule we might have at the time...
oh ya, with twins, there IS no schedule!! Who was I kidding??

This is what we look like on limited sleep!!!!!
Funny, this morning at about 9 a.m., it felt like the middle of the night!!!!! The Yukon sun is on it's way back but it's still dark then & our sleep is no longer unbroken!

When DO parents finally get a full night's sleep again?? Can ANYBODY tell me???

Now THIS I LOVE!!Dad teaching a Dad-in-waiting, how to change a VERY poopy diaper!! So Sean, all of those years scooping in the dog yard have paid off!!

Here, Adelaide (I'm pretty sure this is Adelaide) and I look a bit more rested :) There is NOTHING in this world that is more perfect than snuggle time!

Well time to sign off...Dad & I are off to the Nurses Station to get the girls' immunizations started! Poor wee babes :( 4 shots each :( Such brave little souls!!

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