Thursday, January 15, 2009

Our friend is home .....

Well Martin made it home in one piece & smiling from ear to ear
He didn't get to the finish line....he scratched 2/3 of the way into the race....a friend told him tonight that HE is one of the real heroes in the sport because, he is out there doing it without the big corporate sponsorships, he's raising his own dogs in his own way, he trains them all himself and.....he quits when it's right for the dogs, not right for him!
A mighty wise friend, if you ask me !
I really like having Martin home where he's safe & snug :)
He's home "in one piece" but with a frost bitten tongue!
He was trying to lick the ice off his mustache at -50.....


Anonymous said...

Thanks for your interesting blog, I enjoy hearing about your life.
Well done Martin, I hope your tongue feels better soon. I can't even imagine -50. Susan H.

Heather, aka: Mum said...

Hi Susan & Wecome :)

Something I learned my first winter,,,
At really cold temperatures, dogs tongues will stick the snaps on their collers when they are running...even though they heal extremely fast, it's NOT pretty when it happens & I feel horrible for the dogs...(the tinyest cut on a tongue will bleed a crazy amount)
Understanding this, I had great fun telling Martin that he had just sustained an actual sled dog injury & could now empathize better with his furry friends!!

Martin, just like my husband Sean, is increadibly dedicated to loving & caring for his dogs :) I wish all animals had such charmed lives... BTW, He took my teasing in fine form ;)

On another note....WOW someone other than my FAMILY is reading this...VERY COOL...Thanks Susan, you just made my night :):):)

Matt, Kara, Hunter and Cavan said...


I understand the pain... when my parents were in the school for my first grade parent teacher interview I was outside getting my tongue stuck to the flag pole. Yep... I bet they were some proud of me!!

Heather, aka: Mum said...

OMG...Kara...YOU are the stuff Urban Myths are of!!