Thursday, February 26, 2009


Daddy is the best Daddy!
He's been taunting Mummy with tails of a surprise for three weeks!
Adelaide & I (Sarah Grace) knew about it all along...hehehe
Now, it's important to know that Daddy's great at
coming up with surprises but not so good at
surprising Mummy (she's just too smart) !!
THIS time things were different...
Mummy just couldn't figure out what he was up to!
Forgetting all about his taunting,
last Thursday She went off to her Search & Rescue (SAR) meeting.
Upon her return, only 45 minutes later,
there was a strange vehicle in the drive.
Upon entering the cabin,
there were a strange pair of gloves on the table...
In a million years Mummy never would have guessed that
that vehicle & those gloves were the surprise!!!!!
Well not until she peeked around the corner
& look into the living room...
You see, the gloves fit the hands of the driver
of that strange vehicle...

and the driver was

It didn't take long for Adelaide & me (Sarah Grace)
to snuggle in & make Aunt Maureen feel welcome!!
Too bad we didn't have the camera ready
when Mummy walked through the door to find her surprise!
WOW WEE, was she ever happy !!

It took no time at all for the FitzGerald's
to make the most of the weekend!
We bundled up, & out the door we went!
the sun was shinning & the mercury was rising...

rising just enough to make it possible to
play outdoors...
Can you believe I actually
fell asleep on the kick sled??
I was having fun but the fresh air got the better of me!!

Then it was time for Aunt Maureen to hook up a dog team!

A bit cooler out but WOW...
SO worth bundling up for!!
actually my sister & I
were sound asleep when THIS was going on
but it's easy too see just how happy
Aunt Maureen looks in these photos!!
Look at her form!
Look at her speed!!
Banking the first turn like a PRO!!
& isn't that smile worth a million!!
& oh those mittens!!
I'd say that, that Aunt of ours
has the heart of a true Northerner ;)

all good things must come to an end...
& this weekend was no different :(
or, so say our parents!!
We love you completely Aunt Maureen!!
We think you should just move into our room ...
Adelaide & I talked about it &
we are certain we have room!!!
Enough of these last dinners & tearful goodbye's...
Oh well...We will be reunited soon:)
when ALL of the FitzGeralds come together,
gathering from far away reaches...
Oh, what a day it will be!!
Daddy & our family, from the Yukon
Aunt Maureen & Uncle Ian, from BC
Aunt Margaret & Uncle Jean, from France
Auntie Eileen & Uncle Marcello, from Italy
We can't wait to hug you ALL at the same time!
Hay Daddy....
Great job surprising Mummy !
Lets do it again NEXT weekend!!